Büren an der Aare

The medieval town was originally surrounded by a moat with water. The oldest nucleus of triangular shape is between two alleys, one of which has an imprint of urban street, while the other retains rather a rural character, of rural center.
The old town of Büren is listed as a national object in the Federal Inventory of Cultural Property. So there are places of interest not to be missed: the former bailiffs' castle, the town hall, the two town fountains, the local "Spittel" museum, the arcades on the main road and an impressive wooden bridge across the river. During a guided tour you will learn the stories behind the proud facades of historic buildings. The idyllic Alte Mühle is just a few minutes' walk away and its special garden invites you to linger.

Not to be missed


The wooden bridge


The Evangelical Church


The Town Hall


The castle


The Spittel Museum


The walk along the river Aare


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Inhabitants: 3577
Altitude: 450 m asl
Canton: Bern