Simplon Dorf
The Simplon village is located at 1476 m a.s.l. on the south side of the Simplon Pass and has 310 inhabitants. The architectural style with its typical stone slab roofs is reminiscent of nearby Italy. The village centre is classified as a site of national importance in the inventory of sites worthy of protection in Switzerland.
The narrow Gondo gorge was considered insurmountable until the 17th century. Only the Brig merchant Kaspar Jodok von Stockalper began to use the Simplon Pass for the transport of salt on pack animals from the Mediterranean. Today, hikers along the Simplon route experience the transition from the Alpine Valais to the already Italian environment on the southern side: the typical stone slab roofs of the Simplon village with the village square, which resembles an Italian-style square. The highlight is the section through the Gondo Gorge, lined with granite walls.
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